100th Post
Well this is not only my hundreth post, but it's about our Ward Christmas Party.
There's Zoe and Santa.
Well the party is finally over and I can let my nerves calm down now. Ryan was a super helper. He helped me scrub and wash 70lbs. of potatoes and bake 40lbs. But we got them all cooked and everyone at the party enjoyed them.
The tasks for this week include, packing for all of us, including Christmas Presents, cleaning the house, getting Campbell's stuff ready for the Kennel, and maybe catching up on a little crafting, but that is after all the above is done.
I just want to thank all the friends of mine that assisted with the ward party, including taking pictures, baking, keeping my sanity, helping clean up the kitchen, etc etc. you are wonderful!
Now I'm going to try and enjoy what's left of December and put on some Christmas music and be of good cheer!