turn and burn....
Ryan and I had a fun filled weekend planned. Dan and Julie took Zoe on Saturday so we could have a long needed date. As I was getting ready, my 375 degree curling iron dropped every so quickly onto my arm. Here is a picture of my wound. Luckily, it didn't blister and we could continue with our plans.
We went to the movies and saw Paul Blart: Mall Cop. It was really really funny. If you like a sit down have a good time, not have to think about the plot movies, this is a good one. Lots of laughs. Then we came home and I took a nap, something I hadn't done in a long time. Then Zoe came home and we played, then bed.
Sunday, we got ready for church and I put Zoe's hair in pigtails, then Ryan thought it would be fun to straighten them, so that is the picture below. They stood straight up, until they dried, and then they went frizzy and bent every which way.
Also yesterday, Zoe started to feed herself. We have these little puff snacks and she would crawl over and pick them up and eat them, Ryan got a video of it, so I'll post that later.
Hope you have a great week.
Holly & Co.