Big Girl Now!
Zoe's new favorite food:Normally, she eats dinner in her exersaucer, but I finally broke down and got a booster/high chair and she LOVES it. After dinner tonight, she spent another 30 minutes just sitting in her chair, playing with it. Here she is enjoying her cheerios, tonight.
Ryan and I could swear that we heard her say, "No no," when I tried to pick her up out of her chair. And then she said," Da da," tonight in the tub.
She's been starting to dance more often. She bobs up and down and shakes her head from side to side. I tried to get her to do it on video, but of course she stopped.
I've been in a major creative way recently, so I'm been scrapping as much as I can. I'll try to post some of those soon.
Holly & Co.