A Little More of Me

By Holly - 3/18/2012 08:33:00 AM

A week ago - I was sitting in church in my parent's congregation, and was hit with an overwhelming sense of inspiration. From that, I created a new blog to share my thoughts and insights on taking care of the three different  parts, to create a better whole self.

I've been developing it over the last week or so - it's still not 100% what I want it to be, but I've been so anxious to share this new venture with my friends and family.

It's located at www.mindsbodiessouls.blogspot.com - and I've got a link on the side of this blog. I also have created a button - if you would like to add it to your own blog.

Please head over and have a look around. Leave comments letting me know what you think, anything you would like to see, etc.

Holly & Co.

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