School Pictures

By Holly - 11/11/2013 08:11:00 AM

My little girl is growing up. When Zoe started getting official school pictures back in preschool, I was torn on spending the money. I take a LOT of photos of Zoe and most of mine turn out better, simply because I'm in control of the situation. However, after a lengthy discussion with other parents on Facebook, I decided that they were special and almost a right of passage. I was not disappointed when I got them. The nostalgia alone, was worth it.

I am in love with the new Fancy Pants line, Collecting Memories. The color scheme is fantastic and I love the bold graphics. I loved this ruler paper, and it seemed so fitting for a school picture!

I was pleased with how her pictures turned out this year, much better than last. Last year I was sick on picture day and totally forgot, she wore a t-shirt and I threw her hair into a messy bun...but that's life sometimes.

Eventually, I was to have a school scrapbook album which contains her 8x10 pictures from each years and her first and last days of each year, along with the info about where she went to school, her friends, special events etc.

We're really lucky that Zoe loves school so much, I hope that pattern continues through the next 13 years.

Holly & Co.

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