Not So Little

By Holly - 1/18/2014 10:05:00 AM

I took this picture back in November, on Thanksgiving day. It doesn't completely show how tall she is or how grown up she acts. As my sisters and friends continue to have babies, I think how fast the time goes. I'm afraid I'll blink and she'll be in middle school.

Right now she has wiggly teeth and she likes laying in bed listening to music - Really. The baby years are definitely over. But this age is bringing some pretty fun things. She is reading and we are enjoying lots of time at the library because of it. She loves to do crafts and art projects, even photography. I love that I'm getting to share my passions with her.

This page was made with a mish-mash of items from a Studio Calico last call sale and the American Crafts warehouse sale. I'm really trying to use up my stash this year, since we are moving (again) and I don't want to haul everything I've got. I'm discovering some favorite items that had gotten lost in the shuffle, and I'm excited to put them on real pages.

Holly & Co.

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