Baby Lily

By Holly - 2/18/2014 03:21:00 PM

My little sister is now a mama! We went down to Utah a couple weeks ago, for Lily's baby blessing. Zoe was in heaven with her tiny little cousin. She spent a lot of time just sitting next to her. Lily was a good sport and even gave us a couple smiles while we were there.

Natalie asked me to take a few pictures for her while we were there. I haven't really been focusing on photography the last year or so, and have only done a couple photo shoots. but I agreed anyway.

Thankfully, the light in my parent's room is beautiful, and definitely made up for my shortcomings as a photographer. My beautiful sister and her sweet little babe. The blessing dress she is wearing was Natalie's blessing dress, made by my Grandmother. It was hard to capture all the exquisite details of the dress, but I did the best I could. Such a wonderful day, for such a sweet little girl.


Welcome to the family, Lily!

Holly & Co.

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