Where I've Been

By Holly - 5/02/2014 11:46:00 AM

Dear Blog Readers,

I wish I had some exciting news, an amazing tale to tell of where I've been 
and why the blog has been so empty. 

Sadly, I don't.

Life has been busy as it always has, but lately we've had a few additions to busy, 
which are putting creative ventures completely on hold.

I've been suffering some health issues, which may or may not be related to the gall bladder removal last year. For now I think we've isolated the culprit and are taking measure to keep the side effects away. 

Ryan is in his last semester. You read that right THE-VERY-LAST-ONE! (Unless he decides to pursue a graduate degree, however I don't think either of us is ready for that) After 7 years of school, part-time and full-time, he will be done. I'm also in school, taking a full course load. Which is way more difficult than last semester, although the course hours are the same.

Ryan and I are both working. He's had some great opportunities to work with some professors on campus and is enjoying that work. I'm still at Melaleuca, although I've reduced my hours, I still somehow end up picking up shifts, so I end up working about as many hours as I was before.

Zoe is almost done with kindergarten. She went on her first field trip and wrote her first book report. She is still growing however the exponential rate seems to have slowed. Only two teeth lost so far. She is loving the warmer weather and can't wait for summer. She has a new found fascination with dandelions and I think we might just have enough in the field behind our house to make a crown soon.

Well folks, that's our update. Not anything super, but our lovely little life. I look forward to the fall when we will be all settled into our new home in Texas and I will have time to put towards the hobbies that fulfill me.

Holly & CO.

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