
Hump Day Happenings

By Holly - 4/14/2010 09:37:00 AM

Welcome to Wednesday!

I'm sad to say, we are still not all the way through unpacking.

but, I'm happy to say that Goodwill got about 8 bags full of stuff from us. Spring cleaning feels good!

I'm sad to say that our dishwasher isn't in working condition. {It sprays water all over when it's running. Yeah, that was a fun discovery, not!}

but, I'm happy to say Zoe is doing really well at playing on her own in her room. It nice to be able to have her play by herself while I'm  making dinner.

I'm sad that spring/winter is over. I love me a good rainstorm/blizzard. :)

but, I'm happy that I get to go to Utah this weekend and see my family! And maybe some snow....

I'm sad that I haven't had any time to scrapbook in the past week.

but, I'm happy that I'll have lots of pictures to scrapbook when I get home from my trip though :)

I'm sad that I don't have any pictures to post.

but, I'm happy that you read my blog anyway :)

Holly & Co.

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