In Love

By Holly - 5/26/2010 11:27:00 AM

{and she makes any state or country}

I lived in Oklahoma, less time than I lived anywhere else. Just 8 months.
It was a very long 8 months.
Ryan and I were almost 2,000 apart, and working with a 2 hour time difference.
It made for lonely days and nights spent falling asleep on the phone.
But it only made us stronger.

I made lifelong friends in Oklahoma.
Kindred spirits. People who have made such an impact on my life.

The summer I spent there, was one of my favorites ever.
Full of days at the pool and nightly visits to Taco Bueno.
My first visit to a Piggly-Wiggly.

Since my parents moved, I haven't been back and don't know when/if I will ever make it back there.
But I still love Oklahoma. I miss it all the time.

Holly & Co.

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