Half-Way Done

By Holly - 7/04/2010 09:43:00 AM

Well we made it half-way through the year.
I went back today and looked at the goals I blogged about at the end of December, for 2010.
This is what I wrote in December:

For 2010 I want to:
* Be a roll around, on the floor Mom. I want to make sure I'm truly interacting with Zoe every day. It's easy to get lost in our routine and I want to make sure she gets my full attention in the short time we have together in the evenings.
* have weekly Family Home Evening. This has been hard this past few months with Ryan being in school on Monday nights, but after spending FHE with the Stauffers,
I really want to have this a weekly time together.
* Finish projects. I have lots of ideas floating around in my head that I get supplies for, but find it hard to complete these projects. My goal is to do one a week. I've already got my list for the first 20 weeks.

It was a nice reminder to go back and look at these. I've definitely improved in all of them, some more than others. Did you make goals for 2010? I encourage you to go back and look at them. Evaluate them, and change them if you need to.

I've hardly scrapbooked in a week or so...I've been working on other projects. (See goal #3)
This is my little nook/office/craft area. I cut these quote bubble out of chalkboard vinyl to keep to-do lists or funny Zoe quotes, or other notes. (the top right corner is a Zoe quote.)

 Ryan isn't a big fan of vinyl to decorate, but he's warmed up to these since I first put them up.
At first, he asking me if they were a joke.
I got my vinyl at Craft Vinyl and cut the shape using my Cricut and my Create-a-Critter cartridge.

This post has taken me forever to write to I'm gonna  wrap it up here.
Hope you're having a safe weekend!

Holly & Co.

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