Thoughtful Tuesday - Week 4 - Catch up

By Holly - 7/21/2010 08:41:00 AM

Wow, this weekend was busy. I'm finally coming out of the haze.

We got to have (almost) all of Ryan's family over for dinner on Sunday. It was a tight squeeze, 9 adults + 4 kids in 900 sq. feet, but we did have air conditioning! We missed you Cole! It was so fun having everyone together.

And it looks like our schedule won't be slowing down anytime soon. Coming up on the calendar we've got a visit to Santa Cruz/Monterey/Sunnyvale, my parents are coming for a visit, maybe a jaunt to the coast, our Ward Service Auction, another semester starting, and Zoe starting preschool.

The next few weeks are going to fly by and then my beloved season fall will be here! I'm already dreaming of apples and baking and sweaters...ahh...I can't hardly wait!

Ryan is at Scout Camp this week and thank goodness he's coming home soon. I've realized that even when he's busy at home, he is still at home and I really miss him when he's gone. I haven't been lacking for things to fill the evenings though, it just seems to be one event after another. Hopefully we can slow down this weekend, I think we all need a day unplugged.

I'll be back later this week with a crafty share.

Holly & Co.

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