Since Wednesday

By Holly - 9/26/2010 08:54:00 PM

Wow, Sorry guys, I've been in a little bit of a slump lately, just anxiously waiting for the fate of our future to be determined. It kinda blankets the house in a nail-biting, can't really think about anything else, type vibe, which is a killer for creative juices.
However, since the acceptance at BYU-Idaho, our nerves have calmed just slightly as we wait for more letters. This has cleared the anxiety just enough to get the creative juices flowing again.

I saw these letter flashcards at Homemade by Jill and I came straight home and made a set for Zoe. Here's the link to the download. (It's free) I cut out the cards and glued the corresponding letters together and then laminated them, for durability.

I've had these pictures sitting on my scrapbook desk for weeks but I was totally uninspired until now. I had so much fun masking with my new Mr. Huey, navy mist. Except that I had to go to church today with navy dyed fingernails.

We usually dress Zoe, but occasionally I give in and let her pick out her own outfits. This was yesterday afternoon, post nap. All her, right down to the brown mary-janes. Pre-nap, she was wear a dress my mom made her and a sweater. She has a style all her own. Yeah that's an understatement.

Oh, I almost forgot. I promised dress-up pictures. ( Please do not judge my photography skills based on this photo. It was late.) This is a bridesmaids dress that I wore when I was pregnant with Zoe, make-shifted into a dress for a 2 year old. Not pictured is the makeshift crown and jewels.

I must have been bit by the cooking bug today, because I cooked a full dinner for the first time in a long time. Ryan probably thought I forgot how to cook. Oh, and I also made some more oatmeal bread.
So yummy!

I hope you all have a great week.

Holly & Co.

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