Needing Some Sunshine

By Holly - 2/22/2011 05:07:00 PM

It's been cold and snowy here lately, putting my in kind of a slump. 

Zoe and I picked out some flowers to brighten up the house a bit.
I love them.
It's amazing what a small bouquet of flowers can do for a room.

This pretty little face has been giving me a hard time, more than usual.
I think that's contributing to my slump.
I'm getting easily frustrated and feeling my patience wear thin, coupled with tears and time-outs.
Sigh, this too shall pass.

Although we did have a lot of fun yesterday painted some Mickey pictures we got in a little easter kit. Zoe was really feeling the purple :)

and last but certainly not least, I'm excited to share my Polka Dot Whimsy Feb Kit Layouts!
These first two were made with the main kit, Moments & Wishes,
The colors went so well with these pictures I had been saving.

 and the last was made with the add-on, Kiss Me.

 I'm in LOVE with the colored masking tape. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it once I saw it!
and I still have so much left!

Holly & Co.

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