The Fort

By Holly - 3/16/2011 04:16:00 PM

The other day during "witching hour",
 otherwise known as Zoe-is-talking-my-ear-off-and-my-patience-is-wearing-thin hour,
 I suggested we build a fort, to give my nerves a break.

It was nothing special, but Zoe loved it. She kept telling me to come inside with her,
 but it was a studio sized fort.

I love the hair. Curls + Naptime = Frizz!

My cousin, Lara, had a little baby girl a few weeks ago, and after looking at her sweet baby pictures,
I couldn't help but going back to Zoe's.

I know I say this all the time, but she's growing up SO fast.
 I look at her baby pictures and it just feels like that was ages ago.

Now she says all sorts of funny things and likes to pick out her own clothes.
I miss the baby phase. 

But then I remind myself that we still need to potty train this one and
 Ryan has 2+ year of school left, and I reexamine :)

Tonight is cleaning and laundry, so I'd had better get started.

Holly & Co.

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