
Time Flies....

By Holly - 5/02/2011 08:51:00 PM

Wow, this weekend just disappeared!

Friday night we attended a production of "Oliver" at Ben's school.
 He played in the pit orchestra and they sounded amazing.

{He's the one in the invisible square}

But there were a few interesting audience members who made the evening interesting.
The first guy behind us, acted like he was at a monster truck rally and hooted after ever performance.
They guy in front of us was belly laughing at about a 10 second delay, even the kids in the pit could hear him.
But overall, it was an enjoyable evening, we ended with some delicious gelato.

The rest of the weekend was filled with family dinners, chatting and laughing, some shopping and scrapping.

Last night, we all sat around the TV, as I'm guessing a lot of people did, listening to the breaking news of the death of Osama Bin Laden. How thankful I am that he was finally caught and justice was served for those families who have lost loved ones as a result of his actions.
I am so grateful to all those men and women who work tirelessly to keep us safe.
Thank you!

Holly & Co.

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