A great resource to share

By Holly - 7/10/2011 02:45:00 PM

Zoe is not a quiet child, at least since the age of 2 when we retired her binky :(

We've been struggling for awhile with trying to be quiet at church. Today, was my last straw. I really want to enjoy church but being there has become a nightmare trying to keep Zoe quiet.

I came home today, determined to find a lesson to teach her on how we are supposed to behave at church.

I did I few google searches, and then I remembered a blog I had seen months ago.

It's called ," A Year of Family Home Evenings." HERE IS THE LINK.

Emilie, the owner/writer, has a ton on lesson, broken down by category. I went to the reverence category and found a lesson that will be perfect for Zoe.

I just wanted to share with many of you that have little ones, that might like me, be unsure how to teach gospel concepts to them in a kid-friendly way.

I will report next week how she does.

Holly & Co.

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