We made it!

By Holly - 9/14/2011 03:35:00 PM

With all the events of last week, coupled with my getting really sick, I wasn't quite sure if Zoe and/or Ryan was going to make it to the first day of school.

But, with blessings, prayers and a shot of Prednizone, we were on our way.

This is not the perfect awesome first day of school picture that I had envisioned. But, we roll with the punches and her excited smile is enough, with everything going on, I'm lucky I remembered to snap a picture.

She is loving being back at school. She had a new teacher and a new class (with some of the kids from her old class)
She is doing great with staying dry at school, and telling the teacher she needs to go potty.
She doesn't like leaving her artwork up on the walls at school, she cries everytime she has to leave her picture up.
She has been bringing toys and promptly loosing them each day, I'm vetoing that tomorrow.
She LOVES recess and talks about playing outside every day.
She enjoys telling me the entire menu for the day, including lunch and snack time. She also recalls how many bites of each thing she ate and what she didn't eat :)

Since being at school half of the day, she has become awfully snuggly at night and I'm just soaking it all up. Especially being sick, we spend lots of time on the couch just hanging out and talking.

We're still getting settled in our new place, boxes and crates in the corners, eating simple meals because I haven't the time or energy to be anymore creative.

Hoping next week will be a little more back to normal.

Holly & CO.

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