
Witch Festival + Cornbelly's

By Holly - 10/18/2011 10:34:00 AM

Our Saturday was a fun packed day. We had planned to visit the Witch Festival at Gardener Village Friday night, but we found ou there was a special event there and didn't really want to fight the crowds.
 Bright and Early Saturday morning we ventured over there to see what the big deal was :)

It was totally decked out!
Witches everywhere, pumpkins, garland, lights, it was specktacular!
 We even tried on a few hats of our own.

and wore some bewitching threads.

After we toured Gardener Village, we headed over to Thanksgiving Point, to visit Cornbelly's Fall Festival.

This corn box was Zoe's favorite thing. It's like a sand box, only with corn.
It's a very strange feeling on feet.

We had quite the day running around to all the different attractions.
Zoe had tons of fun and really didn't want to leave.

We left only to continue our wonderful fall fun filled Saturday at Grandma & Grandpa Morgan's to pick apples, but those pictures will be in a different post :)

Holly & CO.

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