Taste of Summer

By Holly - 6/27/2012 07:00:00 AM

I think Summer is quickly becoming Zoe's favorite season.

Not just because she gets to spend LOTS of time with her Daddy, since he's out of school,
 not just because she gets to stay up later, 
not just because she gets to play at the park and splash pad nearly every day,
but mostly because it involves lots of treats....popsicles, ice cream, sno-cones.

Rexburg is FULL of these places. There is one on every corner, plus a few trucks and a few with permanent locations. But they make the perfect treat after a long, hot afternoon at the splash park!

I used my Studio Calico So Cal kit, mixed with a few pieces from my stash. My favorite are the chipboard frozen treats. Those came from an old set of Basic Grey chipboard, that just happened to be sitting right in my view while I was making this page. I'm so glad I found them, they match just perfectly. 

Hope your summer has been full of frozen treats too!

Holly & Co.

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