A Bit of This & That

By Holly - 4/05/2013 07:19:00 AM

It's been a while since I've done an update on our little family. 
We are in the week before finals and the week before we move.
Yep, we like to JAM pack it all in to one crazy week. Also, Zoe is on spring break this week. Yeah....I'm not 100% confident we are going to make it. 

We had a fantastic Easter, our first holiday with just our little family. 
Here is Zoe with her prized egg she dyed and wrote her name on at school.

I'm so excited that I *almost* have my first semester done! Going back to school was a big leap for me but I'm so glad I did.  Zoe and I have had a great time the past couple weeks, enjoying the sunshine. We've clocked a ton of hours outside and even gotten a little sunburned. 

We are sad to leave our Rexburg friends, especially since summer here is one of the best times to be in Rexburg, but we are looking forward to this summer in Utah, enjoying family and old friends, and the fruits from my Grandparents amazing garden!

Happy Friday!
Holly & Co.

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